Worship at 9:30 am each Sunday
Help Support the Ministry of Our Saviour's
If you would like to finically support the ministries of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church you are invited to make an offering online by clicking here.
Serve as an Usher, Reader or Communion Server
Every week many people are needed to help our worship service run smoothly. Ushers help welcome people to worship and direct communion distribution, Readers share the good news by reading our daily Biblical texts, and Communion Server assist the Pastor in distribution Holy Communion. Please volunteer to help by signing up on the bulletin board int he Narthex/lobby or contacting the church office with your available dates.
Flower Dedications
Each week, a lovely bouquet of flowers enhances our altar area. If you would like to sponsor these arrangements let Dave in the office know, They cost $45 and you may place a dedication in the church bulletin for the week. After worship take home the flowers to enjoy all week. A sign up sheet is also out in the Narthex/lobby or contact the church office.
Share Your Musical Talents
If you play an instrument or sing, we would love for you to share your musical talent! Music enhances our worship experience. If you are interested in solo or small ensemble participation, please contact our Choir Director, Terry Williams.